Call For Paper
We invite you to join our call for papers as part of the 3rd International Conference on Art, Craft, Culture, and Design (ICON ARCCADE), held on 12-13 October 2023.
Globally, 2023 marks the mid-point of the 2030 UN Sustainable Development Goals agenda, yet we are still struggling to rebuild and respond to current conditions in every aspect. The future remains unpredictable and never have we been presented with such complexity as what we are facing today. As we continue to live in this age of Anthropocene, we carry on the legacy of being the cause of both destruction and rehabilitation. These ambiguous roles manifest on every occasion when we try to solve a problem. Consequently, we grow to feel more anxious and innovation seems to no longer be possible.
Creativity is at the heart of what we do as artists, makers, and designers. For us, crisis creates opportunities to open up other pathways in this ever-changing world. With its fluidity, art, craft, culture, and design discipline has significant roles in facilitating changes everywhere through its capability to connect humans, nature, and everything in between. At this conference, we are inviting you to explore the theme of “Fluid & Ubiquitous”, which is elaborated into various sub themes that encompass some key ideas:
- Care
- Systemic Design
- Cross-cultural Identity
- Object as an Agency
- Transmateriality
ICON ARCCADE 2023 will be held at The Faculty of Arts and Design, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Each day will feature Panel and Parallel Session, Post-graduate Workshop, and Talkshow.
Conference papers will be selected undergo blind peer review process and should be the outcome of original research. All paper must be in English and should be presented at the conference by one of the designated authors.
Abstract must be in English and should not exceed 1 page, within the limit of 750 words and should be used the Abstract template. All authors should register through ICON ARCCADE 2023 Easy Chair system and follow the instruction in order to submit their abstracts.
The deadline for abstract submission is 24 July 2023.
Selected papers will have the opportunity to be published in:
- The ICON ARCCADE 2023 Proceeding, by Atlantis Press* (indexed in Web of Science, Scopus, Medline, PubMed Central, DOAj, Ei Compendex, Portico, and Google Scholar)
- The Journal of Visual Art and Design (Indexed in SINTA 2, CrossRef, WOS, Copernicus, GARUDA, and more)
- Jurnal Sosioteknologi (indexed in SINTA 2, CrossRef, ISJD, WorldCat, and more)
- Jurnal Design Indonesia(indexed in SINTA 3)
*to be confirmed