The Faculty of Art and Design (FSRD) – Institut Teknologi Bandung, was started from Sekolah Guru Gambar as part of the THS (Technische Hoogeschoole) in 1947. The Faculty has a long history spanning its development journey from a higher education supervisor to a pioneer in the arts and design field. The Faculty now hosts 5 study programs (Visual Art, Craft, Interior Design, Industrial Design, and Visual Communication Design) and 9 research groups in Art, Craft, Design, and Culture. Thousands of graduates have contributed in various fields of art, design, craft, and multidisciplinary fields locally and even globally.
Indonesia has faced various challenges in achieving sustainable economic growth in the 21st century. This situation has encouraged academics, researchers, and practitioners from Fine Arts, Craft, and Design to continue to enhance collaboration through an international conference entitled International Conference Art, Craft, Culture and Design (ICON ARCCADE). This conference is a biennial program that was first held in 2017 with the topic “Sustainability, Inter- and Trans-discipline, Culture, towards Creative Economy”.